Five new advancements!
/Five of our adult students advance today. January 15, 2022.
Jadyn Goodwin - Earth Sash
Lilura Arrastia - Earth Sash
Maria Klevanski - Metal Sash
Lauren Daniel - Metal Sash
Anatoli Klebanov - Yellow River Black Sash
Five of our adult students advance today. January 15, 2022.
Jadyn Goodwin - Earth Sash
Lilura Arrastia - Earth Sash
Maria Klevanski - Metal Sash
Lauren Daniel - Metal Sash
Anatoli Klebanov - Yellow River Black Sash
Congratulations to the following students and the acquisition of their new ranks
• Chris Gicas - Blue Sash
• Anatoly Klebanov - Blue Sash
• Ethan Rheault - White Sash
Congratulations to Christion Gicas on the successful completion of his latest test. He is now a Fire Sash.
And Alan got a little out of control tonight and broke one of our well used and beloved swords. His Qi was just to much for it. We are all saddened by this loss.
Thursday nights testing saw four of our student advance in rank. Congratulations!
We also had Meghan McNamara home from school. We all miss you Meghan.
Shifu John was able to get a group of our kids to do group pushups. Way to go Dragons. Showing your ability to work together.
Shifu Eric was invited to be Andrew Lee's sponsor at his National Honor Society induction. Way to go Andrew. We are all proud of you. If was also a great honor to be asked to participate.
Our students were ready for this Halloweens testing. Seven student advance to their next level. Way to go Dragons!
Jonathan St. Cyr - Green Sash
Kreg Howk - Blue Sash
Christina Howk - Blue Sash
Cailyn Daniel - Yellow Sash
Amita Klevanski - Fire Sash
Marcellus Cardenas - Orange Sash
Lilura Arrastia - Orange Sash
We had testing two weekends in a row.
1st. On Saturday, April 29th. Meghan McNamara and Andrew Le both passed there next rank. They are well on their way to earning their Black Sash. They are now working on Mantis Sash in the Animal Phase of their study. As instructors we get to see student grow and mature as martial artist and people. We are extremely proud of both of them and look forward to seeing what they accomplish next.
Shifu Umar Arrastia, Sidi Andrew Le, Shifu John Bradely, Sidi Meghan McNamara and Shifu Eric LEcuyer
2nd. On Saturday, May 6th. Lisa Vigeant and Johnathan St. Cyr recieved their next rank. Lisa advanced to Fire Sash and Johnathan advanced to Water Sash. Great work!
Check out our new video logo.
Yep. More testing! Congratulations go out to Meghan and Amy for advancing to their next rank.
Amy Berger - Orange Sash
Meghan McNamara - Crane Sash
Teaching Dragon Gate Family Fist style Kung Fu in the Worcester County area.
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