More Testing
/We had testing two weekends in a row.
1st. On Saturday, April 29th. Meghan McNamara and Andrew Le both passed there next rank. They are well on their way to earning their Black Sash. They are now working on Mantis Sash in the Animal Phase of their study. As instructors we get to see student grow and mature as martial artist and people. We are extremely proud of both of them and look forward to seeing what they accomplish next.
Shifu Umar Arrastia, Sidi Andrew Le, Shifu John Bradely, Sidi Meghan McNamara and Shifu Eric LEcuyer
2nd. On Saturday, May 6th. Lisa Vigeant and Johnathan St. Cyr recieved their next rank. Lisa advanced to Fire Sash and Johnathan advanced to Water Sash. Great work!