August Test result
/Hard work has paid off once again for the following students.
Andrew Le - Crane Sash
Marienelly Vasquez - Yellow Sash
Alan Chua - Air Sash
Congratulations to all. Keep up the good work.
Hard work has paid off once again for the following students.
Andrew Le - Crane Sash
Marienelly Vasquez - Yellow Sash
Alan Chua - Air Sash
Congratulations to all. Keep up the good work.
We had a small group this Saturday April 2nd. Congratulations to the following students.
Alyssa Fling - White Sash
Charbel Najem - White Sash
Jonathan St. Cyr - Yellow Sash
Our students have continued to impress us. Hard work has paid off for the following students this past weekend.
Congratulations to all. Keep up the good work.
Eric Hertigan - Orange Sash
Zach Reynolds - Orange Sash
Marrisa Lopez - Fire Sash
Connor Daniel - Yellow Sash
Marienelly Vasquez - Fire Sash
Alan Chua - Yellow Sash
Congratulations to all our student who tested this past weekend. You are all working very hard and we are proud of all of you. Keep up the good work.
Ricardo Plasencia - White Sash
Luca Maillox - Orange Sash
Kyle Bate - Orange Sash
Jonathan St. Cyr - Fire Sash
Sierra Murray - Air Sash
Lisa Vigeant - Orange Sash
Lauren Daniel - Yellow Sash
Joelle Reyes - Yellow Sash
Halloween day saw 4 new students earn new sashes.
Cailyn Daniel - White Sash
Jacob Kirk - White Sash
Erin Hartigan - - White Sash
Diego Veras Cabrera - White Sash
Sam Paradise - Orange Sash
Lisa Vigeant - White Sash
Kreg Howk - Yellow Sash
Kreg Howk, Shifu Eric LEcuyer and Lisa Vigeant
Congratulations to Delaney for her First Place win in empty hand and weapons forms at the this past weekend.
Congratulations to Thomas Smith on earning his Element Green Sash. He tested this past Thursday (Oct. 1st)
On Thursday September 24th, Andrew tested and PASSED his test for Tiger level. He is the second one in the school (after Meghan) to do this. We are so proud of him.
Shifu Eric LEcuyer, Andrew Le, Shifu John Bradley, Shuifu Umar Arrastia and Shissu Eric Matta
Teaching Dragon Gate Family Fist style Kung Fu in the Worcester County area.
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