Summer 2015 Schedule!
/Here is the new SUMMER schedule for 2015.
Here is the new SUMMER schedule for 2015.
We hand a great turnout this past Saturday for testing. Everyone advanced to their next rank. Whoohoo!!!
Kyle Bates
Tayven Lewis
Stenna Lewis
Jael Martinez
Daemien Peters
Caroline Melnick
Sam Huchowski
Jonathan St. Cyr
Shane Garrahie
Andrew Le
Meghan MacNamara
Tom Guido
Kreg Hawk
Lauren Daniel
Joelle Reyes
Shifu Eric, Andrew Le, Meghan MacNamara and Shifu Umar
Congratulations to Thomas, Adam and Sierra. They competed yesterday at the Worcester Classic Tournament. Also thanks to Andrew, Meghan, Joelle and Shifu Ben for showing up to support them.
We have new Equipment Order Forms. All students need to have their OWN gear. Please see Shifu to order yours today. We also have packages to help you save money.
Congratulations to all the students who earned new ranks today.
Joseph Fleicher - White Sash
Krystian Isaacs - Beginner Level 1
Dean Bennett - Beginner Level 1
Jaxon Ruth - Beginner Level 2
Kyle Bates - Beginner Level 3
Caroline Melnick - Beginner Level 4
Michael Saari - Intermediate Level 2
Sam Huchouski - Intermediate Level 2
Luca Mailloux - Intermediate Level 3
Rowan McGaffey - Intermediate Level 3
Kimberly Ortega - Orange Sash
Conner Daniel - Fire Sash
Lauren Daniel - Orange Sash
Kreg Howk - Orange Sash
** *148 Main St. Cherry Valley Ma|*
Parents and students
Please not the list below of upcoming test dates.
March 14, 2015
May 2, 2015
June 20, 2015
Following some heavy snow the last week in January, we had our test on Saturday the 31st. Test day was a bit slow going with a power outage that forced us to improvise. Thanks to all for your understanding.
Here is a list of students and their new ranks.
Jaxon - Beginer Level 1
Landon - Beginner Level 1
Dean - Beginner Level 1
Jael - Beginner Level 3
Caroline - Beginner Level 3
Kyle - Beginner Level 3
Jonathan - Beginner Level 3
Shane - Intermediate Level 1
Luca- Intermediate Level 1
Michael- Intermediate Level 1
Hayden - Fire Sash
Delaney - Yellow Sash
Angela - Yellow Sash
Mason - Yellow Sash
Thomas - Water Sash
Andrew - Metal Sash
We also presented Meghan McNamara with her Dragon Gate name. A name is given to those students that make it to the Element Sash level and show dedication the their art and Dragon Gate.
Shifu Eric LEcuyer, Shifu Umar Arrastia, Andrew Le, Shifu John Bradley, Thomas Smith, Jarod, Mason Engall, Shissu Eric Matta and Meghan Manamara.
A Family tradition in Pai Family Martial arts. The Dragon Ring signifies commitment and dedication to the art and is rarely awarded. Students that show the utmost respect, love and dedication to the art and school are granted the priveledge to wear dragon ring and be recongized as a Pai Family martial arts practitioners.
Where the ring is worn indicates the generation and rank of the practitioner. In our tradition the ring is not awarded to any student below Adult intermediate/advanced level which means the ring would be worn on the ring or middle finger. Instructors wear the ring on the index finger.
Though there have been a few designes over the years from 1st through 3rd Generation. This Design is very commonly recognized as the Pai Family ring.
Over the course of the past 20 years your instructors have only granted 4 rings. We hold the priveledge precious. If you keep up your training and show genuine love and effort, you may earn a ring on your path to the Dragon Gate.
Teaching Dragon Gate Family Fist style Kung Fu in the Worcester County area.
Check us out on Facebook.