Many People Think That Martial Arts Is Just About Fighting, But This Neuroscientist Disagrees!

Many people think martial arts are solely about honing your fighting abilities, but could they really be more about developing the mind? This film interviews Tai Chi, Hapkido and Taekwondo practitioners as well as a scientist and clinician who has been putting these ideas into practice when working with people with mental health issues.

December 6th Testing

On Saturday Dec 6th Dragon Gate Kungfu held their regular Rank Evaluations. It was a great day with students being evaluated for several different rank levels from the various student programs Little Dragons, Kids 5 Element Phase, and Teen/Adult 5 Element phase. 
Congratulations to all of them for showing effort and dedication to themselves and the art! We look forward to heling them all progress. 

5 Element Sash - Meaghan: This Sash is a big deal because it symbolizes the end phase of the 5 elements as she prepares to enter the 5 Animal phase of her training. Meaghan is only the third student to reach this mark. 

Kids 5 Element phase. White Sash - Kimberly 
Kids 5 Element phase. White Sash - Isaac
Little Dragon Beg. Level 3 - Luca & Shane 
Little Dragon Beg. Level 2 - Jonathan, Sam, & Kyle 
Little Dragon Beg. Level 1 - Danika 

Dragon Gate Kungfu holds rank evaluations once every session to ensure each student has an opportunity to try and advance. In some occasions students don't meet the minimum score to advance in rank, but we focus on the effort; offer remedial training and the student always comes back, tries again and passes the second time. That lesson is more important than just about any we can teach. 

"fall down seven times, stand up eight"
-martial proverb

Happy Holidays
Your Dragon Gate Kungfu Instructors

New ranks earned!!! - June 21, 2014

Congratulations to Marissa, Ian, Gregory and Christina on earning their new ranks. You have all worked hard and we are always happy to see our student advance.

Marissa - Orange Sash
Ian - Fire Sash
Gregory - White Sash
Christina - Fire Sash

Also, thanks to Andrew and Adam for helping out during the testing.

Back row - Adam Bradley, Andrew Le, Shifu Eric LEcuyer, Shifu John Bradley, Shissu Eric Matta, Shifu Umar ArrastisFront row -  Marrissa, Ian, Gregory and Christina

Back row - Adam Bradley, Andrew Le, Shifu Eric LEcuyer, Shifu John Bradley, Shissu Eric Matta, Shifu Umar Arrastis
Front row -  Marrissa, Ian, Gregory and Christina

Shissu Eric Matta and Christina pose for photos.

Shissu Eric Matta and Christina pose for photos.