New ranks earned at Dragon Gate!

Congratulations go out to all the students (and parents) at this latest test session.

Following some heavy snow the last week in January, we had our test on Saturday the 31st. Test day was a bit slow going with a power outage that forced us to improvise. Thanks to all for your understanding. 

Here is a list of students and their new ranks.

Little Dragons

Jaxon - Beginer Level 1
Landon  - Beginner Level 1
Dean - Beginner Level 1
Jael  - Beginner Level 3
Caroline  - Beginner Level 3
Kyle - Beginner Level 3
Jonathan - Beginner Level 3
Shane -  Intermediate Level 1
-  Intermediate Level 1
Michael-  Intermediate Level 1

Element Phase

Hayden - Fire Sash
Delaney - Yellow Sash

Angela - Yellow Sash
 - Yellow Sash
Thomas - Water Sash
 - Metal Sash

We also presented Meghan McNamara with her Dragon Gate name. A name is given to those students that make it to the Element Sash level and show dedication the their art and Dragon Gate. 

Shifu Eric LEcuyer, Shifu Umar Arrastia, Andrew Le, Shifu John Bradley, Thomas Smith, Jarod, Mason Engall, Shissu Eric Matta and Meghan Manamara.

Shifu Eric LEcuyer, Shifu Umar Arrastia, Andrew Le, Shifu John Bradley, Thomas Smith, Jarod, Mason Engall, Shissu Eric Matta and Meghan Manamara.